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We'd love to hear from you!
1/10 Anella Ave, Castle Hill, NSW, 2154
It takes support, direction and heart-felt commitment to break the chains of addiction and other life-controlling behaviours. The ONE80TC team has been applying this understanding for over forty years. As a result, we have helped thousands of young men and women take control and get on with their lives.
Those caught in the cycle of addiction cannot just click their fingers and become outstanding leaders and community members. They need opportunities, guidance, a clear path to follow and a good community for support. ONE80TC operates as a Therapeutic Community and this method ensures support for the student from the staff and community as a whole.
Our Christian-based, residential training facility offers all this and more. Our vision is to help people put their lives back together and set them on the pathway of success; to RESCUE, RESTORE and REBUILD.
ONE80TC offers a holistic approach to recovery. We have trained professionals to assist the student on their journey of recovery. We have dedicated case workers, onsite GP, Phycologist, counsellors as well as our regular off-site Psychiatrist, all working together to assist in the students recovery.
ONE80TC is open to men and women over the age of 18 and you can self refer or call on someone else’s behalf. ONE80TC will always need to speak to the student personally before a decision to enter the program is made.
ONE80TC Limited is a member of Teen Challenge Global which inspires more than 1600 centres in over 120 countries.
ONE80TC were established in 1974, but trace back operations to 1977.
Yes, ONE80TC is governed by a board of management. The Management team report to the CEO who in turn reports to the board.
It is estimated that each student who comes into our residential program has an associated cost of approximately $1,200 per week. This includes food and accommodation, staffing, support, on site GP and Psychologist visits, medications and other associated program costs. This does not include on-costs such as administration, event management, marketing or non program costs, nor the support of our day programs, #NotEvenOnce® or aftercare services.
To fund our residential program, ONE80TC rely on a mix of client fees, fundraising through in-house and outsourced events, corporate donations, individual monthly sponsorships, and foundations. ONE80TC also regularly applies for private and government grants when applicable.
No, all students must arrive detoxed. ONE80TC does not have the medical staff onsite to provide this service. ONE80TC will assist clients in sourcing a detox service.
Individuals seeking help in dealing with ‘life-controlling’ issue such as: addictive, impulsive and compulsive behaviours, issues of neglect, trauma, anger, self-esteem and the negative impact these issues have on an individual.
Community partnerships from within the local community that the student resides in post-ONE80TC are established and fostered by ONE80TC. Our After-Care support worker will assist students when they leave the program integrate into community for a period of 6 months.
Yes, ONE80TC is well equipped to assist students who present with mental health issues as well as life controlling issues, provided that the student is under the care of an appropriate mental health care professional.
Yes, residential clients can see our in-house psychologist and community based services can refer to an external psychologist.
Yes, our residential students can apply for leave for special occasions, which will be considered by the clinical team and will be based upon the students engagement with the program and considering the best interests of the student at that time.
Our long term residential program attends church every Sunday and allocated meeting points are available for both our men's and women's program. No visitors attend on site.
Program staff are required to have minimum training in or be currently enrolled in a Certificate IV program such as: Alcohol & Other Drug and/or Mental Health. Our counselling staff are required to have a minimum qualification through a certified counselling training institution.
The choice to use alcohol or other contraband substances whilst enrolled in ONE80TC will result in disciplinary consequences which may include involuntary exit.
Drug or alcohol use onsite will result in immediate exit which may lead to the student being prohibited from ever returning to ONE80TC
Prior to a student completing our program the final step is to assist the student to prepare to enter / re-enter the workforce or gain further education.
Students are helped in exploring a career, educational and training options. A student will be given help to write a CV, work on interview skills, how to complete application forms and apply for training or jobs. We help the student to find work experience prior to completing the program. Our goal is that each student is enrolled in a further education program and/or has a job to go to when they complete the program.
1:8 (one caseworker for every 8 students)
All clients are assessed on an individual basis. Convictions covered by the Spent Conviction scheme cannot by law, be taken into consideration. ONE80TC reserves the right to refuse entry to any person who poses a safety risk to other students, staff or local communities. Those who are excluded from the residential program may be able to attend our Aftercare outreach program at Kingswood.
Located in the Hawkesbury region of NSW, ONE80TC has two separate residential facilities for men and women (on hold).
ONE80TC can accommodate 12 women and 40 men in the long term residential program that provides:
- 24/7 Staff supervision
- Air conditioned bedrooms
- Access to Case Workers, Psychologists, Doctor and Group classes
- Accountability with Disciplined routine
- Work responsibility for onsite care
- Health and fitness, Swimming pool and sport facilities
- One-on-one mentoring
ONE80TC's SMART Recovery operates in Windsor and Greater West, the Day Program is in Windsor and the Aftercare Program is in Greater West.
"ONE80" refers to a complete turn around of 180 degrees. Something we hope each person involved in our programs will achieve. TC refers to the Therapeutic Community and Teen Challenge our legal name. Our students must be over 18 and so prefer not to use the name “Teen Challenge” as it gives the impression ONE80TC are serving teenagers.
ONE80TC operate separate male and female (on hold) long term residential programs located at independent sites. ONE80TC also offer day programs and aftercare support. For more information please contact 02 4776 8800.
Yes, Church attendance is a part of the residential program both during the week and on Sundays.
ONE80TC are not denomination specific, with support from multiple churches and philanthropic organisations.
Yes, ONE80TC clinical team meets weekly to discuss student care and make recommendations for treatment.
Our services are listed on many community service databases including NADA, ATCA, government agencies such as Corrective Services / Juvenile Justice, Centrelink and medical detoxification centres. Community drug and alcohol services as well as local churches all have access to information.
Individuals seeking help in dealing with ‘life-controlling’ issue such as: addictive, impulsive and compulsive behaviours, issues of neglect, trauma, anger, self-esteem and the negative impact these issues have on an individual.
18+ yrs
Yes, ONE80TC does not discriminate on any basis.
ONE80TC residential rehabilitations programs are abstinence based, which utilises harm-minimisation principles on the road to abstinence. All outreach services such as day Program, Aftercare Outreach and SMART Recovery groups allow for maintenance or abstinence based clients.
ONE80TC follows the NSW Health Drug and Alcohol Residential Rehabilitation Guidelines and the ATCA Essential Elements for a Therapeutic Community. We are active members of NADA and follow all guidelines for services.
ONE80TC has a well-documented Continuous Improvement program and is accredited under ISO 9001:2015 which is audited annually. This program includes gaining stakeholder feedback and modifying program based on that feedback.
As part of the National Illicit Drug Strategy Non-Government Organisation Treatments Grant Program. As per our contract there are stringent reporting requirements that we adhere to 6 monthly and annually.
ONE80TC encourages students to recognise that all behaviours carry consequences.
The behaviour management procedure is designed to provide students with the opportunity to receive feedback regarding problematic behaviour, and offer the opportunity for students to make necessary adjustments to future behaviour.
Rather than being viewed as a punitive process, the behaviour management procedure should be seen as an opportunity to foster change and growth within students.
Problematic behaviour is defined as any action that is contrary to the established rights and responsibilities of the ONE80TC student or that otherwise goes against the Program Guidelines.
Students receive a copy of the Student Manual prior to admission and again upon admission. This includes information on rights and responsibilities and the consequences for problem behaviour.
Students who are suspended (discipline-exited) from our program are contracted by their case worker to adhere to a number of requirements while out of the program. Working with our Aftercare department will assist them to gain a place back in the residential facility.
ONE80TC will assess each situation on a case-by-case basis, please contact the ONE80TC Assessment Coordinator for further information.
Only individuals who are already eligible for parole or bail will be considered for entry. Individuals will not be approved to participate in ONE80TC as part of their sentence.